ashes to ashes
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 and watch others grow, while our spirits die,

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4 posters
delaney evans
holding out for a hero
holding out for a hero
delaney evans

Število prispevkov : 4
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Join date : 12/07/2013

and watch others grow, while our spirits die, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: and watch others grow, while our spirits die,   and watch others grow, while our spirits die, EmptyNed Jul 14, 2013 12:59 am


human - 19 years - from new orleans - broken, lost, mistrustiful, fragile, confused

delaney, v stari irščini angel, poslan z nebes. tako so jo poimenovali v sirotišnici, pred katero je bila položena kot novorojenček, močno podhranjena in na robu smrti. vendar je preživela in s svojim nasmehom in dobro voljo osrečevala vse okoli sebe; vse dokler ni po nekaj letih doživela svojo prvo in zadnjo posvojitev. par iz san francisca je bil prijeten, in po približno dveh letih ju je začela v celoti obravnavati kot očeta in mater - še isto leto sta umrla v prometni nesreči. poslana je bila nazaj v sirotišnico, kjer pa zopet ni bila dolgo preden jo je demonska vojska uničila pred njenimi očmi. od takrat je izgubljena, tava po mestu in se skriva ter išče človeško zatočišče, za katero je slišala pred dobrim letom. ni ga še našla in upanja ima vedno manj; že večkrat je stala na robu smrtonosnih pečin ali z nožem v roki, čeprav dlje ni šla nikoli. predvsem zato, ker ve, da tudi po smrti ne bo odrešena muk marveč se bo spremenila v angela ali demona - najverjetneje demona, če si bo sama vzela življenje.

she needs pretty much everything, use her, abuse her, she's all yours! <3


name surname, connection
name surname, connection
name surname, connection
name surname, connection
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aeneus maxwell
fighting the gravity
fighting the gravity
aeneus maxwell

Število prispevkov : 101
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Join date : 18/05/2012
Age : 31

and watch others grow, while our spirits die, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: and watch others grow, while our spirits die,   and watch others grow, while our spirits die, EmptyNed Jul 14, 2013 1:03 am

    i've been patiently waiting for this plot page to come up. GIMME GIMME! smitten1 
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maksim belov
loving for the sake of loving
loving for the sake of loving
maksim belov

Število prispevkov : 63
Reputation : 14
Join date : 03/07/2012

and watch others grow, while our spirits die, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: and watch others grow, while our spirits die,   and watch others grow, while our spirits die, EmptyNed Jul 14, 2013 1:10 am

    *too lazy to switch accounts*
    roseeeee, she's all yours, did you have anything special in your pretty mind yet? <3
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aeneus maxwell
fighting the gravity
fighting the gravity
aeneus maxwell

Število prispevkov : 101
Reputation : 26
Join date : 18/05/2012
Age : 31

and watch others grow, while our spirits die, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: and watch others grow, while our spirits die,   and watch others grow, while our spirits die, EmptyNed Jul 14, 2013 1:42 am

    sad to say i don't, lol! chuckle aaampak bi pa po mojem ta dva lahko drug pri drugem našla eno temporary srečo. i mean they're both broken, both basically waiting for the sun to stop shining in their lives, kaj pa vem, zatočišče bi lahko našla drug pri drugem, mogoče tud drug drugega začela postopoma celit, čeprav ne bi blo niti slučajno lahko, since aeneus can be a real dick sometimes and i'm sure trust is an issue in both their cases.
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maksim belov
loving for the sake of loving
loving for the sake of loving
maksim belov

Število prispevkov : 63
Reputation : 14
Join date : 03/07/2012

and watch others grow, while our spirits die, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: and watch others grow, while our spirits die,   and watch others grow, while our spirits die, EmptyNed Jul 14, 2013 1:53 am

    hey i like it! they'd have ups and downs, del bi se nekoliko oddaljila od njega vsakič ko bi bil grd do nje, ker bi izgubila še tisto malo zaupanja, ki bi ga mela, ampak bi se nekak vedno spet našla and there we go again. nevem, nekak tako sem si jaz predstavljala, is it okay with you? we can also go wherever the flow takes us, with just the basic idea smitten3
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aeneus maxwell
fighting the gravity
fighting the gravity
aeneus maxwell

Število prispevkov : 101
Reputation : 26
Join date : 18/05/2012
Age : 31

and watch others grow, while our spirits die, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: and watch others grow, while our spirits die,   and watch others grow, while our spirits die, EmptyNed Jul 14, 2013 2:45 am

    yeah, that's basically it! srcek lahko greva tud wherever the flow takes us, sej po mojem bom zraven dobila kakih petdeset idej, hihi, ti pa prav tako verjetno. would you like to start, madam? :3
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maksim belov
loving for the sake of loving
loving for the sake of loving
maksim belov

Število prispevkov : 63
Reputation : 14
Join date : 03/07/2012

and watch others grow, while our spirits die, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: and watch others grow, while our spirits die,   and watch others grow, while our spirits die, EmptyNed Jul 14, 2013 7:22 pm

    yes, exactly! <3 well, i would loooove you forever if you would start, otherwise i will - enkrat jutri, ker danes moram neki pomagat doma, in bom prisla sam pogledat sem vsake tolk :3
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william flower
danger in your paradise
danger in your paradise
william flower

Število prispevkov : 17
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Join date : 28/05/2012

and watch others grow, while our spirits die, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: and watch others grow, while our spirits die,   and watch others grow, while our spirits die, EmptyTor Jul 16, 2013 8:04 pm

    well it's delaney in flesh and blood. verjamem, da bi bila williamu lahko precej všeč, in any way. ;P neki planov in idej zaenkrat še nimam, ampak se samo oglašam, če imaš še kaj prostora za mojega dečka. :3
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and watch others grow, while our spirits die, Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: and watch others grow, while our spirits die,   and watch others grow, while our spirits die, Empty

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and watch others grow, while our spirits die,
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