ashes to ashes
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 life's a bitch and then you die. any questions?

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2 posters
elisabeth lightning

elisabeth lightning

Število prispevkov : 19
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Join date : 21/05/2012

life's a bitch and then you die. any questions? Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: life's a bitch and then you die. any questions?   life's a bitch and then you die. any questions? EmptyPon Maj 21, 2012 6:25 am

elisabeth morgan lightning
You shout it loud, but I can't hear a word you say
I'm talking loud, not saying much
I'm criticized, but all your bullets ricochet
you shoot me down, but I get up

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Cut me down, but it's you who have further to fall
Ghost to-own and haunted love
Raise your voice, sticks and stones may break my bones
I'm talking loud, not saying much

samozavestna in sebična devetnajstletnica. njen obraz je mnogo preveč prisrčen za njen karakter in temno dušo. njena postava je privlačna, na njen račun služi denar. in seveda ne smemo pozabiti na spretne prste, ki izmeknejo prenekater kos nakita in si prisvojijo v povprečju dve denarnici na dan. ima mnogo obrazov in vsak dan znova se odloči, katerega bo pokazala. nepridvidljiva in mogoče ravno zato nezlomljiva. vsekakor pa pritegne tvojo pozornost, če so to le želi.
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cymille de light
dancing like the flames
dancing like the flames
cymille de light

Število prispevkov : 111
Reputation : 10
Join date : 19/05/2012
Age : 24

life's a bitch and then you die. any questions? Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: life's a bitch and then you die. any questions?   life's a bitch and then you die. any questions? EmptyPon Maj 21, 2012 6:27 am

možna kakšna povezavica?
ker je opisek res really ah-mazing
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elisabeth lightning

elisabeth lightning

Število prispevkov : 19
Reputation : 0
Join date : 21/05/2012

life's a bitch and then you die. any questions? Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: life's a bitch and then you die. any questions?   life's a bitch and then you die. any questions? EmptyPon Maj 21, 2012 6:31 am

awh muchas gracias :3
afkors je možna... anyting special in your mind?
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cymille de light
dancing like the flames
dancing like the flames
cymille de light

Število prispevkov : 111
Reputation : 10
Join date : 19/05/2012
Age : 24

life's a bitch and then you die. any questions? Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: life's a bitch and then you die. any questions?   life's a bitch and then you die. any questions? EmptyPon Maj 21, 2012 6:36 am

torej, da so lightning(glede na to, da sta kar podobna priimka)neka popolnoma druga veja de lightov ali pa kaj podobnega. in cymille recimo sreča elisabeth na kaki ulici in postane vsa usmiljena ko je elisabeth pove kdo ji in ji hoče finančno pomagat ali pa kaj takega,
sicer ni ravo spektakularna ideja...
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elisabeth lightning

elisabeth lightning

Število prispevkov : 19
Reputation : 0
Join date : 21/05/2012

life's a bitch and then you die. any questions? Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: life's a bitch and then you die. any questions?   life's a bitch and then you die. any questions? EmptyPon Maj 21, 2012 6:40 am

pa vrei je, moja inspiracija je trenutno disaster tak da nimam popolnoma nič idej. bom začela nekje.
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cymille de light
dancing like the flames
dancing like the flames
cymille de light

Število prispevkov : 111
Reputation : 10
Join date : 19/05/2012
Age : 24

life's a bitch and then you die. any questions? Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: life's a bitch and then you die. any questions?   life's a bitch and then you die. any questions? EmptyPon Maj 21, 2012 6:42 am

poleg tega, immer kaj? na forestu? jaz sem ethelena, ampak nisem kaj več aktivna...
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life's a bitch and then you die. any questions? Empty
ObjavljaNaslov sporočila: Re: life's a bitch and then you die. any questions?   life's a bitch and then you die. any questions? Empty

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life's a bitch and then you die. any questions?
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